Written by: David Crane & Marta Kauffman
Transcribed by: Eric Aasen
with additional material by Keith Owen.
Original material is in black. additional material is in blue.
[Scene: The Wedding Hall. Monica and Chandler are standing alone kissing]
Monica: Oh my god! We did it.
Chandler: We just got married, Right there (points to the spot they got married)
Monica: Is that your ring? (picks it up off the floor)
Chandler: We're off to a good start. (puts the ring back on) Are you sure your not pregnant?
Monica: Yeah, I'm sure. But honey, if your ready to have kids, y'know, we got a room upstairs, I mean, I'll blow this party right now, I'll do it!
(the other for enter)
All: Hey!!
(They all share hugs Monica and Chandler)
Rachel: That ceremony was so beautiful.
Monica: Was it? Was it perfect? Is it too soon to see the video?
Phoebe: But you guys, can we just take a moment? Our two best friends just got married. We are so blessed, to be able to share in this incredible joy.
Joey: That is so true. Mon, is it too late to switch from Chicken to Steak?
Ross: I'm so happy for you guys and you are both so lucky. I mean, you both said the right names. And nobody was drunk. Nobody was gay. And on your first try. (starts to cry)
Opening Credits
[Scene: The Wedding Hall, Monica and Chandler have just said "I do," and the photographer is taking the required pictures. First of Monica, Chandler, Ross and Joey.]
Photographer: Great. (Takes a picture.) Great! Just give me a sec to change film.
Monica: Okay.
Ross: (To Monica) Okay, I know Im not supposed to know, but I do. And Im so excited for you!
Joey: What? Whats going on?
Ross: Monicas pregnant!
Joey: Oh my God! Is that why you guys had to get married?!
Monica: Guys! Im not pregnant.
Joey: Ah. (To Chandler) Slow swimmers? (Chandler looks at him.)
Ross: What?! What do you mean? You-you-youre not pregnant?
Monica: You didnt tell anybody I was did you?!
Ross: No! (Pause) Ill be right back. (To the photographer) You, take a lot of pictures. (Exits.)
Photographer: Now why dont we get a shot of just Monica and the bloody soldier.
Monica: (To Joey) Oh, about that. Joey, you have to change before the party.
Joey: I cant! I-I dont have any other clothes here.
Monica: Find some! Please! Anything that doesnt say I-I died tragically in France.
Joey: Fine
Chandler: Oh, and be careful who you hug. Ok, my fathers upstairs in tears because you got blood on his dress.
(Joey leaves to find clothes.)
Photographer: Well then why dont we see the bride and the groom and the bridesmaids.
Phoebe: Okay. (Phoebe and Rachel join Monica and Chandler on the altar.) Hey Mon, why did you tell the guys you werent pregnant?
Monica: Because Im not.
Phoebe: We found your test in the trash, if youre not pregnant(She sees Rachel shaking her head)Its because I am.
(Flash, the photographer takes a picture of Monica and Chandlers stunned faces.)
Chandler: What?! What are you talking about?
Monica: What are you talking about?
Phoebe: Yes, I I am with child. (Flash) And I didnt want to say anything because its your day; I didnt want to steal your thunder.
Monica: Wait a minute! So you told people I was pregnant?! (Flash) Does this look like a conversation that I want to remember?!
Chandler: Whos the father?
Monica: Yeah!
Phoebe: I cant say.
Monica: Why?!
Chandler: Why not?
Phoebe: I cant say because hes famous.
Rachel: Oh my God, who is it?! (Phoebe rolls her eyes.)
Monica: Phoebe, come on, you have to tell us.
Phoebe: Okay, okay. Its James Brolin. James Brolin is the father of my baby.
Chandler: As in Barbara Streisands husband James Brolin?
Phoebe: What?! Well he never said that to me!
Photographer: Monica, if you could step away, well get Chandler and the bridesmaids.
Phoebe: How about just the bridesmaids?
Chandler: Yknow I am the groom right? I was told it was kinda big deal.
Phoebe: It is.
Rachel: For you. (Chandler leaves.)
Phoebe: Oh my God!
Rachel: Oh, thank you for doing that. I just cant deal with this just quite yet.
Phoebe: So instead you told me Monica was pregnant.
Rachel: You said that she was, I just didnt disagree with you.
Phoebe: Sneaky.
Rachel: Oh yeah.
Photographer: Smile ladies.
Rachel: Oh! (They smile and the picture is taken.) Oh by the way?
Phoebe: Uh-hmm.
Rachel: James Brolin?
Phoebe: Oh, I know. I could only think of two names, him and Ed Begley Jr. and then I remembered hes gay.
Rachel: Ed Begley Jr. is not gay.
Phoebe: (intrigued) Really?!
(Mr. and Mrs. Geller enter)
Mrs Geller: Congratulations.
Mr. Geller: Looks who's married, and just in time in hear.
(The both touch her belly)
Monica: What? Ross!!
(Ross has just entered the room)
Ross: So if you've got this all under control, I'm just gonna.... (quickly exits)
Mrs. Geller: I just wanted you to know, that you have made us happier, you have given us more joy.
Monica: Mom, I'm not pregnant.
Mrs. Geller: What?
Monica: Not pregnant.
Mrs. Geller: Oh, oh well (walks off)
Monica: (following her) But I did still get married today.
Mrs. Geller: Whatever
(The photographer takes their picture)
[Scene: The Reception Hall, the party is in full swing.]
Bandleader: Thank you very much! Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Bing!
(They enter.)
Chandler: Before we go out there Ive got a present for ya.
Monica: Honey, Im going to put my hand in your pocket!
Chandler: No?
Monica: No.
Chandler: Ive been taking dancing lessons.
Monica: What?!
Chandler: Yeah, the last six weeks. I wanted this to be a moment you will never forget.
Monica: Oh that is so sweet!
Chandler: So? Would you care to join me in our first dance as husband and wife?
Monica: Yes.
(They walk onto the dance floor and Chandler slips and almost falls.)
Monica: Whats the matter?
Chandler: I dont know, its these new shoes, theyre all slippery.
Monica: Well, are you going to be able to do this?
Chandler: Not well.
(They start dancing and Chandler starts slipping around.)
Monica: Well, the good news is, I dont think anyones looking at us.
[Cut to Phoebe and Rachel at their table.]
Phoebe: So, are you ready to talk about it?
Rachel: No.
Phoebe: Now?
Rachel: No!
Phoebe: Okay, well talk about something else then.
Rachel: Thank you.
Phoebe: Whos the father?!
Rachel: Ugh! Look honey yknow what? I havent told him yet, so until I do I dont think I should tell anybody else.
Phoebe: Yeah. Thats fine. Thats fair. Is it Tag?
Rachel: Phoebe!!
Phoebe: Okay, Im sorry. Ill stop.
Rachel: Okay.
Phoebe: Is it Ross? Its Ross isnt itOh my God, its Joey!
Rachel: Honey, stop it! I am not going to tell you until I tell him.
Phoebe: Ah-hah! At least we know its a him.
[Cut to Joey entering wearing a preppy tennis outfit.]
Monica: (seeing him) Oh sweet Lord.
Joey: Im sorry! Okay? I went down to the gift shop and its either this or a bathrobe! Look, whats more important, the way Im dressed or me being with you on your special day?
Monica: Honey, Im not even going to pretend I was listening. (Sees someone else.) Hey! Hey! (Goes over to that person.)
[Cut to the hallway outside the room, Ross is going to see which table hes at and sees a beautiful woman doing the same thing.]
Ross: Hi. Im uh, Im Ross. I dont, I dont believe weve met. Im Monicas older brother.
Woman: Oh hi, Im, Im Mona from her restaurant.
Ross: Oh! Hello uh, Mona from her restaurant. (He uses his card to mouth those words.) (Pause) Mona, wow what a, what a beautiful name.
Mona: You think so? Ive always kinda hated it.
Ross: Aw come on, Mona Lisa?
Mona: Uh-huh.
Ross: Mona umm Clickclocken. The famous botanist? Huh? Oh no shes uhwell shes dead now. No, supposedly she was once quite the hottie of the plant world.
Mona: Really?! Well see? I never knew about her.
Ross: Linda Clickclocken. (Pause) So what uh, what-what table are you at? (She shows him.) Oh, uh me too.
Mona: Oh good. Now therell be someone there who likes my name.
Ross: (sexily) Yes there will. (Mona leaves and Ross tries to find the same table.) Oh guess what, Molly Gilbert youve just been bumped up to table one. And if its all right with you Im gonna take your place at table sixMartin Clickclocken.
[Cut back inside to Joey giving a beautiful woman a tennis lesson by standing behind her.]
Joey: Thats better, now just bend your arms a little more. There you go. Okay, look straight ahead. Now this time I want you to really put your ass into it. (They do a practice swing and she really puts her ass into it.)
[Cut to Chandler sitting down near Joey]
(Chandler is scrapping the soles of his shoes with a fork)
Chandler: Who's Slippery now?
(Mr. Geller walks over)
Mr. Geller: Isn't that just the best feeling? Rubbing a fork on the bottom of your shoe. (pats him on the shoulder and walks off)
(Chandler's mom walks over.)
Mrs. Bing: Chandler darling! Look, my date has finally arrived. Id like you to meet Dennis Phillips. Dennis, this is my son Chandler.
Dennis Phillips: Congratulations.
Chandler: Thank you.
Mrs. Bing: Dennis is a dear old friend and a fantastic lover.
Chandler: Are my ears bleeding?
Mrs. Bing: Don't mind Chandler, he's always been shy
Chandler: Your right. Bravo Dennis thanks for pleasing my mother so.
Dennis Phillips: Oh, Im so sorry I missed the ceremony, I was stuck at auditions.
Mrs. Bing: Oh yes, Dennis is directing a new Broadway show.
Joey: I dont believe weve met, Joey Tribbiani.
Dennis Phillips: Dennis Phillips
Joey: Wow, Ive admired your work for years. You-youve done some really amazing stuff.
Dennis Phillips: Oh, thank you. Well if youll excuse me, Im gonna go get myself a drink. Be back in a moment.
(Dennis and Mrs. Bing start to kiss passionately)
Chandler: Ok, you stop.
(Dennis walks away.)
Joey: Wow Dennis Phillips! Thats great! How did you guys meet?
Mrs. Bing: Well, its a funny story.
Chandler: Funny: ha-ha or funny: (Mimes blowing his brain out.)
[Time lapse. The band is finishing another song.]
Bandleader: Thank you, thank you very much. If everyone will please take your seats, dinner will be served.
(Ross starts looking for table six and finds out that its the kids table. He sees Mona sitting at another table.)
Ross: Hey! Uh, I thought, I thought you were at table six.
Mona: No, nine. (Shows him the card again.)
Ross: Oh see, before you uh, when you showed it to me you-you held it that way (he turns her hand upside down) which uh, which was misleading. Well Im (He goes at sits down at his new table and the kids stare at him.) Hello.
[Cut to the hallway, Chandler is putting tape on the bottom of his shoes.]
Joey: Chandler. Will you see if your mom can give my resume to Dennis Phillips?
Chandler: Oh well, They've kind of locked themselves in one of the men's room stalls right now. Perhaps when they get out.
Joey: Cause if I can get in a Broadway show then I wouldve done it all, film, television, and theater. The only think left would be radio, and thats just for ugly people.
Chandler: What size shoes do you wear?
Joey: Uh, eleven, eleven and a half.
Chandler: Great, because my shoes are giving me a little problem on the dance floor, can I borrow the boots from your costume?
Joey: Uh, I dont even really know where I left those. Sorry.
Chandler: (looking at Joeys feet) Those arent eleven and a half.
Joey: Okay fine! Im a seven! All right, I have surprisingly small feet. But the rest of me is good, Ill show ya! Who am I kidding, I belong on radio.
[Cut to Monica and Rachel at their table.]
Monica: Can you believe Phoebe got pregnant?!
Rachel: Oh yknow what honey? Lets not talk about that right now?
Monica: This is so huge.
Rachel: Sure, but come on, as big as your wedding?
Monica: Of course not nothing is. Between me and you
Rachel: Yeah.
Monica: in this day and age how dumb do you have to be to get pregnant?
Rachel: Hey! Yknow, sometimes you can do everything right, everyone can wear everything theyre supposed to wear, and one of those little guys just gets through!
Monica: How?
Rachel: I dont know! Maybe they have tools.
Monica: Well I-I talked to and uh, shes definitely going to have this baby. Yknow, she said she was gonna raise it on her own.
Rachel: Well, maybe thats, maybe thats really brave.
Monica: Maybe. I just hope she realizes how hard its gonna be.
Rachel: Maybe she hasnt really thought it through that well.
Monica: Well, theres a lot to think about. I mean, how is she, how is she going to handle this financially? How is she going to juggle work? Does she realize shes not going to have a date again for the next eighteen years?
Rachel: (starting to cry) I dont know.
Monica: Are you okay?
Rachel: Uh-hmm. Im just thinking about Phoebe; poor knocked up Phoebe.
Waiter: Champagne?
Rachel: Oh yes! Thank you very much! (She grabs a glass, takes a sip, and realizes what she just did. She then tries to spit the champagne back into the glass without Monica noticing. It doesnt work.) Oh thats-thats actually how the French drink it.
(Monica gasps.)
Phoebe: Well, I just got off the phone with my lover, James Brolin
Monica: Oh really?!
Phoebe: Yes, and apparently he is married to some singer, but he said he would leave her for me. And I said, "James, James Brolin, are you sure?" James Brolin said
Monica: (interrupting) Rachels really the one whos pregnant.
Phoebe: (shocked) What?! (deadpan) Why bother?
Monica: How do you feel?
Rachel: I dont know. I dont know how I feel. This is all happening so fast. I have to make all these decisions that I dont want to make. (Takes another sip of champagne and spits it back out) Somebody just take this away from me!!
Phoebe: Calm down. Maybe youre not pregnant.
Rachel: What?!
Phoebe: When I got pregnant with the triplets, I took that test like three times just to make sure.
Monica: Yes! Maybe its a false positive. Are you sure you peed on the stick right?
Rachel: How many ways are there to do that?
Phoebe: Im-Im just saying, dont freak out until youre a hundred percent sure.
Rachel: All right, Ill-Ill take it again when I get home. I can wait until then. Wow, this is such a good party. How late does it go until?
Monica: You-you gotta take it now.
Rachel: No, this is your wedding.
Monica: C'mon, we're not gonna be able to have fun until we know. Come on, do it as a present to me.
Rachel: Okay. Thank you.
Monica: Okay.
Phoebe: Ill run out and get you one.
Rachel: Oh, you guys are so great.
Monica: Oh, wait a minute! Whos is the father?!
Phoebe: Oh no, she wont tell us.
Monica: Oh, come on its my wedding! That can be my present.
Rachel: WhHey, I just gave you peeing on a stick.
Phoebe: See? This is why you register.
[Cut to Ross at the kiddie table. He reaches for something and a fart noise emanates which causes the kids to laugh.]
Ross: It was the chair again! Okay? Im not doing it!
Ben: Dad, can't you go back to your table?
Ross: No, ok, apparently little Molly Gilbert is enjoying her grown-up salmon en-cruet. (He takes a bite out o his hot dog. the band starts up again and he starts to leave his seat, but it "farts" again) It whatlook, I dontyknow whateh-eh (He walks away and goes over to Mona.) Hi.
Mona: Hi!
Ross: Umm, would you like to dance?
Mona: Sure.
Ross: Yeah?
Mona: Yeah.
Ross: Oh great! (They get up to dance and Ross is interrupted by a little girl.)
Little Girl: Dr. Geller?
Ross: I wasnt farting! (To Mona) Uh, a little game from our table. (To the little girl) Yes?
Little Girl: Dr. Geller, will you dance with me?
Ross: Oh umm, well uh, maybe-maybe later. Right now, Im about to dance with this lady.
Little Girl: Okay. (She drops her head in disappointment and walks away.)
Mona: Ohhhh!
Ross: Uh, unless! Unless, uh this lady wouldnt mind letting you go first.
Mona: Id be happy to. (To Ross) You are very sweet.
Ross: Yes I-I am. In fact umm hey, why dont we try it my special way? You can dance on my feet.
Little Girl: Sure!
Ross: Yeah? Hop on. (They start dancing and Mona sits down.) Is the pretty lady looking?
Little Girl: Uh-huh.
Ross: Keep dancing.
[Cut to Chandler in the hallway practicing dancing and is doing it very well.]
Chandler: And the world will never know.
Joey: Hey! Did you talk to Dennis about me yet?
Chandler: Yes, I told him how talented you were. I told him all about Days Of Our Lives.
Joey: No-no! No! No! You dont tell a Broadway guy that! Now he just thinks Im a soap actor.
Chandler: But youre not just a soap actor. You are a soap actor with freakishly tiny feet.
Joey: Hey! He has no idea what kind of range I have. (He gets an idea) Ooooh... don't move
(he leaves)
Chandler: Ahh... its like he's running on tiny little pegs.
[Joey walks back inside just as Rosss dance is finishing.]
Little Girl: Thank you.
Ross: No-no, thank you Miranda.
Little Girl: Melinda!
Ross: All right. (Walks over to Mona.)
Mona: How cute was that?
Ross: Oh-oh, were you, were you watching?
(Another little girl walks over to him.)
Second Girl: Can I go next?
Ross: What? Of course you can! Hop on!
Mona: Okay, but I get to hop on after her. (Ross bites the air in response.)
Ross: I am so gonna score.
Second Girl: What?
Ross: I like your bow.
[Behind them, Joey goes up to the bandleader and interrupts the song.]
Joey: (clinks his glass) Id like to propose a toast. To Monica and Chandler, the greatest couple in the world. And my best friends. Now, my when I first found out they were getting married I was, I was a little angry. I was like, (overly angry) "Why God? Why? How can you take them away from me?!" But then I thought back over all our memories together, some happy memories. (Does a fake laugh.) And-and there was some sad memories. (Starts to break down and cry.) Im sorry. And-and some scared memoriesWhoa! (He jumps back, startled.) Eh? And then, and then I realized Ill always be their friend, their friend who can speak in many dialects and has training in stage combat and is willing to do partial nudity. (Starts to walk away, but realizes something.) Oh! To the happy couple!
[Time Lapse, the interrupted song is finishing.]
Bandleader: Thank you.
Ross: (to the second girl) That was very nice Ashley.
Ashley: Can we do it again?
Ross: No-no. (Walks over to Mona again.)
Mona: So, is it my turn now?
(A large little fat girl walks over.)
Fat Girl: Im next!
Ross: Oh! (Recoils in horror.)
Mona: Uh, thats okay. You can dance with her first.
Ross: Oh, you-you sure? (She nods yes.) Okay. (To the girl) Okay. So whats uh, whats your name.
Fat Girl: Gert!
Ross: Thats, thats pretty. (They start to dance and Gert tries to step on Rosss feet, but he pulls them out of harms way.) Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What are you doing there Gert?
Gert: Dancing on your feet! Like the other girls did it.
Ross: Okay. (Swallows hard.) Hop on Gert. (She does and Ross winces in pain.)
Gert: Why arent you moving your feet?
Ross: Im trying. (He strains to move his feet.)
Gert: Faster! Youre not going fast enough!
Ross: Maybe I should stand on your feet! (Gerts shocked and Ross realizes what he said and tries to brush it off.)
[Cut to Joey going over to talk to Dennis Phillips.]
Joey: So did you uh, happen to catch my toast up there?
Dennis Phillips: Oh my God, that was for my benefit?
Joey: Well, Id like to think there was something for everyone. Look, I know youre casting for this new show
Dennis Phillips: Look umm Joey, I-I dont think youre quite right for this project.
Joey: Oh, see thats where youre wrong. Whatever it is I can do it. And if didnt see it up there, just-just try me.
Dennis Phillips: Its an all Chinese cast. Can you be Chinese?
Joey: Well Im not proud of this, but (He turns around and starts to mess with his eyelids.)
Dennis Phillips: Oh my God! No-no-no! Please! Please! Dont-dont-dont!
[Cut to Monica walking up to Chandler.]
Monica: Hey, are you ready to get back on the dance floor?
Chandler: Did it turn into sand?
Monica: Ohh come on, I love this song! Come on, youll be fine. (She starts to walk towards the floor.)
Chandler: (sliding up behind her) No. No, I wont. Do you know why I took all those lessons? See, for the first time I didnt want you to be embarrassed to be seen on the dance floor with some clumsy idiot.
Monica: Oh sweetie, you can never embarrass me. (Chandler grunts.) Okay, you can easily embarrass me. But come on, it doesnt matter. All right? I married you! No matter what you do, I'm going home with you, Ok. So I want to dance on my wedding night with my husband.
Chandler: But I'm telling you, That's the last tie I'm gonna buy shoes at the Slippery Fun Shoe Store.
Monica: Come on. (They go onto the floor.) Just try not to move your feet at all. (Chandler starts to get into the groove and bust a move.) There you go.
(Mr. Geller dances over.)
Mr. Geller: Chandler, Im gonna have you arrested.
Chandler: Why?
Mr. Geller: You stole my moves. (He starts to dance like Chandler was and Chandler stops but quickly starts up again)
Mrs. Geller: Wow, Chandler your quite the dancer.
Chandler: Thanks Mrs. Geller.
Mrs. Geller: Oh c'mon. You can call me mom.
Chandler: Really? I will.
(He starts to dance wildly, but his legs start to slide apart)
Chandler: Uh-oh
Mrs. Geller: What's the matter?
(Chandler falls backwards taking Mrs. Geller's skirt with him revealing her in sexy underwear and suspenders)
Chandler: Sorry mom.
[Scene: The Womens Restroom, Rachel and Phoebe are waiting for the outcome of Rachels second test.]
Rachel: How much longer?
Phoebe: 30 seconds.
Rachel: 30 seconds, okay.
Monica: (entering) Did I miss it? (Phoebe nods no.) Rachel, I-I want you to know that, if its positive, were gonna
Rachel: Oh I know. I know. (They hug.)
Phoebe: Its time.
(Another woman starts to enter.)
The Girls: No!! (The woman backs out.)
Monica: Go ahead Rach.
(She goes over to look.)
Rachel: Oh wait! Yknow what? I cant, I cant look at it. I cant. Somebody else tell me, somebody tell me.
Phoebe: Okay.
Rachel: Okay.
Phoebe: Umm, its negative.
Rachel: What?
Phoebe: Its negative.
Rachel: Oh. Oh. Well there you go. Whew! (Pause) That isthats greatthat is really great-great news. (Pause) Yknow cause the whole not being ready and kinda the financial aspects, all that. Whew. Wow, this is so just the way it was supposed to be. (Starts to cry.) God.
Monica: Well Well, great.
Phoebe: Here. (Gives Rachel a tissue.)
Rachel: Thanks. (Crying) God this is so stupid! (Pause) How could I be upset over something I never had? Its negative?
Phoebe: No, its positive.
Rachel: What?!
Phoebe: Its-its not negative, its positive.
Rachel: Are you sure?
Phoebe: Well yeah, I lied before.
Rachel: Oh!
Monica: Oh God
Phoebe: Now you know how you really feel about it.
Rachel: Oh-oh, thats a risky little game!
Monica: Are you really gonna do this?
Rachel: Yeah. Im gonna have a baby. Im gonna have a baby. Im gonna have a baby! (They all hug.)
Phoebe: With who?
Rachel: Ah, its still not the time.
Dedicated to the People of New York City
Closing Credits
[Scene: The Reception, Joey is helping Ross walk after Gert got through with him and Mona is looking on concerned.]
Ross: I just didnt see the fast song coming.
Joey: Shh. Shh. Dont try to talk, well get you up to your room, well soak your feet, youll be okay.
Ross: Oh, thank you.
Mona: That is so sweet!
Joey: Yeah.
Mona: No, I mean it. There are so few genuinely nice guys out there.
Joey: Tell me about it, I feel like Im holding down the fort all by myself.
Mona: Its Joey right?
Joey: Yeah.
Ross: Wait a minute! No! Im the nice one! Im the one who danced with the kids all night! How How small are your feet?! (They all look down. Mona waves goodbye and walks off. Ross smiles happily)